Every single MUA palette that i have owned have always ended up finding their way into the bin., the main reason why is because the eyeshadows always shattered and that is my biggest hate in makeup having messy palette because all of the colours just mix in together I just cant stand it. I popped into superdrug the other day and saw they have a new matte palette out and I am such a sucker for matte eyeshadows I just had to get it so I thought that i would give MUA another chance and lets hope this one dosnet shatter on me, at first when I swatched the shadows i was disappointed because the first four in the palette all looked the same when swatched and the others was not that pigmented. When on the eyes its a competently different story they blend nicely and look gorgeous on the eyes. You can make a range of different looks from the palette from soft and romantic to a more dramatic i would recommend you to try this since its only £4 you really cant go wrong.